My Scale

Friday, January 7, 2011

Moving forward

On Sunday I mentioned I was cleaning up my workout space, did I mention there is a 8 foot closet in that room with everything from DJ supplies, office supplies, costume supplies and more?  It was a train wreck!  Every day I have been waking up and heading straight to that room to clean.  I was serious about being organized this year and I really cleaned up.  Today I sit with the job 97% finished, and figured I would get in a quick blog before finishing.  I managed to burn around 2400 calories each day and found myself eating around 1200-1500 calories of good food.  I have taken off 3 pounds in the past week, and already feel rejuvenated and thinner.  We all need to make a space for ourselves that allows for a workout, I think its good to walk by and see that little space you created because it will beckon you to play,,  well workout.

On my blog, Cat's 1 Life I blogged during my case study with Cinch! which at the time I had to be quite hush hush about.  Today I continue to follow the food groups set up in that book.  Although I received an autographed copy of the book, I also downloaded it on my Ipad and have started highlighting my favorite meals. The book was my foundation on what is good for you and showed me combinations of foods I would not have thought to eat.  I am using what I learned with Cinch along with all the other things I have learned both with my daughter Michelle, the nutritionist and also what I learned on my first trip to Fitness Ridge.  I added this picture of one of my favorite breakfast that I eat thanks to Cinch.  This is a variation of a recipe, but as I said it's using the 5 food groups in your life.  So this is Berry Walnut French Toast and let me say for the record.....YUMMY!

One last note on Cinch, no I am not trying to sell it but I am really excited because a friend of mine who met Cynthia Sass, author of Cinch just after I did my 30 day study is on Martha Stewart today.  She lost 30 pounds since summer with Cinch plan and she looks, feels and is amazing!!  Congrats Jenn, you ROCK!!

As for today, if I could bottle up one emotion in my life, it would be exactly how I am feeling today and everyday that I wake up knowing yesterday consisted of good healthy food and exercise.  I think I wanted to add his today for someone who I know is feeling depressed today.  There can be a lot of things that make up being depressed, but one thing that can and will change is how you feel when you JUST DO IT.  Eat the right foods and get moving.  Also, one thing I think we all know is how easy it is to say "I will start tomorrow".  When you get there it is today, so don't wait, get started right now, do something today to make you smile when you wake up tomorrow.

We can ALL do it. 

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